This is Bosco Wong, a sometimes good looking and other times not that good looking actor...this is one of the better looking shot with Tavia, his on-screen lover...

The summary of the show with its characters and their inter-relationship...check out the messy hair guy...he is BOsco...lol

Oh, this is Bosco as well, the scene before he was reunited with his brother and when he was still a "loserly" good for nothing guy who sees no meaning in life other than sleeping and hiding from the rest of the world...but later on, he just changed 360 degrees...he became more presentable on the surface but less recognisable in the inside...(sounds cheem hor...)

The veterans, funnyman Bobby aka Ouyang Zheng Hua and Xuan Xuan, Jessica, having their personal moment when Bobby was feeling low in a Church...

Okie, the main picture of this series...DICEY BUSINESS...well, not so much of the dice part, maybe supposed to represent the gambling that was going on in the show...particularly touching with the efforts of BObby trying very very hard to find his brother and was equally nerve-recking to see Bosco refusing to appreciate his brother's efforts and continue to indulge in
"dicey business"with Michael...the really BAD GUY!!!!
Go Bosco!!! You rock!
I am reading this article second time today, you have to be more careful with content leakers. If I will fount it again I will send you a link
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