Friday, August 31, 2007

Surprise Surprise

one of my fav photos in paris. it is a very nice small restaurant at the latin quarters. love the flowers and window.

Current location: One of the school benches in the Wee Kim Wee School of Communication and Information, NTU, near to the library door (*freezing to bits from the frequent opening of the doors*)

i m now waiting for my next lesson at 12noon... and it's LUNCHTIME and i haven't been fed! As i am now with 2 laptops and alone at the benches, there's no way for me to get any food from the this means the pig will have to remain hungry till 2pm...HORRORS!...

anyway the purpose of this new blog entry is to give baizu a SURPRISE! hee know baizu is currently having a sore poor thing *sayang *sayang *rubbing of snouts (guess tt's what pigs do ) here's some wonderful remedies for my baizu:

1. A packet of yummy honey lemon strepsils:

2. LOTS and LOTS of water:

3. Delicious fruits full of Vitamin C







Last but not least....a photo of heizu! that should be the best remedy!

Get well soon Dar!


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