After having been frightened by a recent warning, heizu has emerged once again!!!
WELCOME BACK HEIZU...Hey i wasn't away for tt long what!
Ok enough lameness, but cant be helped. It's like 2.05am and heizu is working on her experiment research. This suddenly brought back some horrible memories of science practical back in my secondary and JC days. Haha generally I am a HORRIBLE PLUS TERRIBLE student at all kinds of science practical, be it physics, chem or bio. I remembered one yr, my chem teacher was supposed to write some comments about our chemistry subject (how we fare etc.). Usually in such situations, teachers will usually comment something about your foundations or maybe like jus something in general but for me, my teacher just had to write: SHE HAS TO IMPROVE ON HER PRACTICAL... haha cant be helped, he always see me being the last to leave the prac room due to my numerous difficulties...
and BIO was indeed the ultimate. I believe most of my frens would have heard of my hilarious yet nerve-wrecking O levels bio pract exam. Yup I screwed it up totally...Imagine a student who asked the teacher for help, cut the celery wrongly, got a new celery sample, cut her finger and lastly missed out an important part of question..I heard from my bio teacher tt my report was so bad tt I was not given extra time when i cut my finger as they are afraid that it would reflect badly on me...
oooh then it comes to PHYSICS...hmm this time round, i unknowingly walked into a prac room filled with examination apparatus with the aim of helping my teacher to get our prac books. and bingo i was caught by the teacher and he had to change all the apparatus as they were the ones for my coming exam...oops... after which my silly act was announced during lectures and to make things worse he was my badminton teacher in charge.. so guess what he told my coach how silly i was and how i wasted the school's money...
haha it seems that my silliness grew up with me as well, cos just today i commited a silly act which was witnessed by baizu! too embarrassed to say it...but i think baizu was totally amused...shocked...and amazed...but tt's what make me special right, baizu?

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